About us
Prathivi Building 3rd Floor
Jl. Pasar Baru Selatan No. 23
Pasar Baru, Sawah Besar.
Jakarta Pusat 10710
Phone : +6221 29 459 123
Fax : +6221 29 459 130
E-mail : info@iverson.co.id
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- Bringing the best LEARNING EXPERIENCE to our clients that will help them enhance their productivity in effective and efficient manner.
- Using technology to bring our clients value to its maximum.
- Providing more values by our Certified Consultants and highly integrity with LOW RISK and HIG QUALITY business solution implementation from shop-floor to the board-room.
- To be the best training provider in Indonesia.
- To be a leading and competitive implementer of Enterprise Business Solution.
Who we are
Established in 1997, Iverson is the first Microsoft Technical Education Center in Indonesia. Our focus were in training and developing IT people. We believed that technology plays an important role in modern businesses. Nowadays, companies have included technology in their business process. We are committed to give proper skill and knowledge for our clients to make sure that technology contribute its maximum value to the business.